Thursday, July 19, 2012

Well things are starting go go pretty good. At least in some ways. One of the good things is that I have not been drunk in over a week. That is the longest time not drunk in literally years. I have gotten so much done and my energy level is much better. Not to mention not having to try to remember what I did the night before or who I might of pissed off. My mood has been better. Well the last few days it has been. The first couple of days It was probably very difficult to be around me. Hell I couldn't stand me. But now things are looking better.  I can't let me guard down though . As an addict this struggle will last the rest of my life and I got to get through it day by day.

On a different note. My damn car is shot. It would cost more to fix it than it would to buy a new one. And I can't afford that either right now. This shit sucks. But no worries. I won't be down forever. I am working a little harder now that I have a more clear mind and am slowly but surely getting my shit together.


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